Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Phone Number (required) Room Number (required) Location How would you rate our service? [star_rating* star_rating-rateourservice max:5 disable_cancel] How would you rate the room provided? [star_rating* star_rating-roomprovided max:5 disable_cancel] How would you rate the sleep quality? [star_rating* star_rating-443 max:5 disable_cancel] How would you rate the cleanliness of the hotel? [star_rating* star_rating-cleanliness max:5 disable_cancel] How would you rate the location? [star_rating* star_rating-location max:5 disable_cancel] How would you rate value for money? [star_rating* star_rating-money max:5 disable_cancel] How would you rate our internet connectivity? [star_rating* star_rating-connectivity max:5 disable_cancel] Calculator3 Field ( Fieldname 3 * Fieldname 4 )(with Prefix $) [calculator avg-rating "((5*star_rating-cleanliness) + (4*star_rating-443) + (3*star_rating-connectivity) + (2*star_rating-money) + (1*star_rating-location)) / (star_rating-cleanliness + star_rating-443 + star_rating-connectivity + star_rating-money + star_rating-location)"] [calculator calculator-481 id:total-ratinh "star_rating-connectivity + star_rating-money + star_rating-location"] Δ